SAVING OUR SONS, SAVING OUR LIVES: A CONVERSATION WITH SYBRINA FULTON As part of NHA’s Sister Care Series, Ms. Sybrina Fulton will be the keynote speaker at the Seagate Center on May 25, 2019. The speaking engagement titled “Saving Our Sons, Saving Our Lives” is set to begin at 1:00 pm with a Q&A session [...]
WHAT IS A MIDWIFE? The word midwife literally means ‘with woman’. When we hear the word we immediately think of babies being born. Traditionally, a midwife was someone—almost always a woman—who assisted other women during the labor and delivery process of giving birth. Today there are two types of midwives: A lay midwife and a [...]
A GUIDE TO DEALING WITH SEASONAL ALLERGIES With allergy season in full swing, it’s important to understand the symptoms of allergies, how to alleviate them, and how to differentiate them from other illnesses. Allergies can run the gambit from food and drug allergies, to insect bite allergies, seasonal allergies and pet allergies. Today, we’re focusing [...]
HOW SEXUAL ASSAULT AFFECTS OUR COMMUNITIES Information about sexual abuse statistics is hard to obtain because it is believed that many—possibly as high as 80%—of all assaults go unreported. Victims may not report the violence because of fear, they may feel embarrassed, feel as though they caused the attack to happen, or they may be [...]
WHAT MEN NEED TO KNOW ABOUT LUNG CANCER According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the second most common cancer, not counting skin cancer, in both men and women. For men, it is the second most common cancer after prostate cancer. However, lung cancer is by far the leading cause of cancer death for [...]
MAKING MENTAL HEALTH A PRIORITY You might not realize it, but your brain could need a doctor, too. Mental health is often overlooked or not addressed within minority communities, which leads to less people seeking treatment. Here at Neighborhood Health Association we strive to identify and remove those barriers that could prevent patients from receiving [...]
ADDRESSING OBESITY CONCERNS AMONG MINORITY GROUPS Obesity, or excess weight of roughly 30+ pounds for your Body Mass Index (BMI), is a major health concern for more than one-third of Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For Mexican-American adults, the obesity rate is nearly 41%, and for African American adults the rate [...]
KEEPING YOUR DIABETES IN CHECK Type 1 diabetes can be a devastating disease if not monitored properly. The American Diabetes Association warns that when left untreated, diabetes increases the risk of serious vision conditions, including cataracts and glaucoma; foot complications such as nerve damage, cuts and blisters, and in severe cases, amputation; high cholesterol and blood pressure [...]
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT PROSTATE CANCER According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prostate cancer is the No. 1 cancer risk for all men, including the African American, American Indian, Hispanic and white populations. Because it is a slow growing cancer, it can often go undetected without someone displaying symptoms. Prostate cancer [...]
SAFE SLEEP: 4 WAYS TO REDUCE THE RISK OF SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is typically defined as an unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby under a year old. Each year, about 2,500 children in the United States die from SIDS. Since the introduction of the Safe to Sleep campaign, formerly the [...]